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Landowner Advisory Drop-ins

15th Feb, 14th March, 25th April and 23rd May

Book a slot from 9:30-13:00, or drop in from 13:30-15:00

Come and talk to Lynne Kenderdine, Land Management Advisory Officer for the Avon Valley Project at one of our Devon Wildlife Trust's drop-ins.

If you own land and are looking to make a positive impact on wildlife, you're in the right place. Lynne Kenderdine from Devon Wildlife Trust is available at Heron Valley Café to provide expert advice on a range of land management topics, including wildflower meadows, pond restoration, hedge management, and available grant schemes. Whether you're a farmer, landowner or land manager, Lynne is available for confidential expert advice. 

While these drop-in sessions are offered free of charge, we'd be grateful for any donations to support the Avon Valley Project. Your contributions will help us continue to do important work to protect and enhance the environment.

Bring along any materials you think might be helpful, such as farm maps, photos, or other relevant information. And if you have any questions about the drop-ins or the project in general, feel free to reach out to Lynne at

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